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IPOB Was Not To Blame For The Killing Of Police Officers At Mbaise Imo State. The Responsibility Lies With Nigeria’s Government And Police Hierarchy

IPOB Was Not To Blame For The Killing Of Police Officers At Mbaise Imo State. The Responsibility Lies With Nigeria’s Government And Police H...

IPOB Was Not To Blame For The Killing Of Police Officers At Mbaise Imo State. The Responsibility Lies With Nigeria’s Government And Police Hierarchy


Report By: Biafra FirstSon |


The global family of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) wishes to debunk fabricated statements from Nigeria Police accusing the IPOB of being responsible for the murders of policemen at Ahiazu Mbaise in Imo State on Monday, November 27, 2023. To prove that the Nigerian government and police leadership masterminded the murder of these innocent policemen, we can show you that they attacked and fingered IPOB without any investigation within a few hours.

The public should recall that IPOB raised an alarm last week that the Nigeria government and her murderous and corrupt Security hierarchy will renew and intensify attacks in the Southeast through their proxy in Finland as the Supreme Court judgment of our leader, Onyendu Mazi Nnamdi Kanu approaches. The public should go back to the IPOB press release of last week, November 24, 2023. There we mentioned that the Nigeria government will commence violent attacks in the East using their proxy in Finland to blackmail Mazi Nnamdi Kanu and to put pressure on the Supreme Court Justices not to release him on December 15, 2023. Recall that during the same last week, the Nigerian Army falsely claimed that Simon Ekpa is an IPOB Leader. In the same week, Simon Ekpa threatened to violently expel Nigeria Security Forces from the Southeast starting this week. How come then that the Nigerian police in Imo State accused IPOB of being responsible for the attack and murder of policemen in Mbaise? Is it not obvious that the Nigeria government and the authorities in the Nigeria Army, the Nigeria Police, and DSS are working together with their proxy in Finland to murder and sacrifice some Security men to blackmail and thwart the release of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu during the upcoming Supreme Court judgment?

The Nigerian police and military are sacrificing the lives of their servicemen and women just to blackmail IPOB. In the same way, they sacrificed the lives of many Nigerian soldiers to Boko Haram in the North to create increased insecurity.

Neither the Imo State Governor, Hope Uzodinma, nor the Police Commissioner in Imo State will claim to be ignorant or innocent of these evil plans.

To cover their collusion, the Nigerian police in Imo State quickly arrested innocent people at Mbaise to be used as scapegoats. Arresting innocent people labeling them IPOB and forcing them to claim responsibility for the murder of innocent policemen will not hold water. If the Nigerian police want to prove to the world that those they arrested indeed committed the crime, they should arraign them before the court for prosecution. Every blackmail against IPOB ends in the media with no investigations. We call on the Nigeria Police to shamelessly release innocent people they arrested at Mbaise and go after their proxy criminals who are not hiding their criminal activities.

No genuine IPOB member will succumb to the point of working against the release of our leader.

Neither will they do anything inimical towards the release of Mazi Nnamdi KANU.

The release of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu is the priority of every IPOB member. This is why all eyes are on the ball against all provocations.  Those involving themselves in violence and criminal activities are not IPOB members but government agents. Our minds are focused on the release of our leader, Mazi Nnamdi KANU, who has not committed any crimeis known to law both locally in Nigeria and internationally.

IPOB condemned the barbaric murder of the DPO of Ahiazu Mbaise division of Imo State and his colleagues. IPOB led by Mazi Nnamdi Kanu has no hand in the murders and will not be involved in murderous activities anywhere.

We blame the police hierarchy for conniving with the Federal government to sacrifice some of their gallant men to blackmail Mazi Nnamdi Kanu and IPOB in the same way the military hierarchy is sacrificing brave soldiers to Boko Haram and ISWAP in Northern Nigeria. Nigerian policemen and soldiers should hold their leaders responsible for making them sacrificial lambs while billions of Naira are being looted. Their chiefs are making blood money. It is time that gallant men in the  Nigerian police and military stand up against their corrupt leaders who are sacrificing them to their militia proxies in Nigerians.

The authorities in the Nigeria Police, DSS, and Army knew exactly the perpetrators of insecurity in the East. These criminal infiltrators were created and recruited by the Nigerian government with the help of some criminal politicians in Biafra Land to demonize and blackmail, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, IPOB, and ESN.  The same criminals have become monsters that will continue to devour Nigerian security agents until they disband them and confess to their crimes.

IPOB remains a responsible and peaceful movement that is pursuing Independence from the  Islamic state of Nigeria. The Indigenous people of Biafra are not Muslims and can not be forced or intimidated into remaining in an Islamic country. To that end, every effort by the Islamic Fulani Nigeria government and her cronies to keep sacrificing innocent policemen and soldiers so that they can blackmail Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, and IPOB to drop the Biafra agitation is dead on arrival.

Using criminals to blackmail Mazi Nnamdi Kanu as a ploy to intimidate the Supreme Court Justices not to release Mazi Nnamdi Kanu who was kidnapped, renditioned, and detained for over 2 years is to pull the trigger that will consume their country.

IPOB has fulfilled all the legal requirements of self-determination in line with internationally acceptable rules and regulations. However, if Nigeria decides to continue with lawlessness and disobedience to their laws and international laws by not releasing our leader, we may have no obligation to stay the course. Those who make peaceful resistance impossible make violent resistance inevitable.


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