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Gov. Ifeanyi Okowa Should Release Kidnapped IPOB Members

 IPOB PRESS RELEASE 18/11/2022 Gov. Ifeanyi Okowa Should Release Kidnapped IPOB Members.   November 18, 2022, | EASTERN PILOT   We the glob...


Gov. Ifeanyi Okowa Should Release Kidnapped IPOB Members. 

November 18, 2022, | EASTERN PILOT 

We the global family and movement of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) under the command and leadership of the great liberator Mazi Nnamdi Okwuchukwu KANU raise alarm over the secret abduction and slaughtering of IPOB members in Delta State by Governor Ifeanyi Okowa's Government and its created secret militia. Our people are being abducted and slaughtered by the Nigeria Security forces with the instruction and support of Gov. Ifeanyi Okowa.

IPOB Leadership is calling on Ifeanyi Okowa to release all incarcerated innocent people who committed no crime against anybody only that they are members and sympathizers of the Indigenous People Of Biafra movement.

Ifeanyi Okowa has ruled Delta State for eight years and can't boast of any infrastructural development in the state. Rather he has been collaborating with the Nigerian Security agencies to kidnap, torture, and extra-judicial murder hundreds of Biafran youths secret in the name of fighting and in the hope of stopping IPOB from accomplishing its mandate to emancipate our people from slavery and restoring our lost heritage which is the Sovereign Biafran Nation. 

Ifeanyi Okowa we are ready to draw a battle line with you, therefore IPOB members must be ready for Ifeanyi Okowa anywhere seen he should be lynched to death so he can experience what he has been doing to others, the family, associates, and friends must advise him to release those abducted by his men and detained in their custody. Ifeanyi Okowa we are waiting for you. 

Some of our people abducted in Delta State and still missing to date are as follows:

1. Gift Okolie Ogu and his wife were taken from their home town-Etua Oliogo in Ndukwa West L.G.A on the 22nd of May, 2022 by the combined team of the Nigeria security agents in collaboration with secret security militia created by Ifeanyi Okowa.

2. Nwinya Arinze a.k.a Obi, was abducted in Asaba on the 17th of May, 2022 by the combined team of SARS and Anti-cult agents. He has not been seen to date.

3. Esume Christian was taken from his home town Onicha Ukwu Ani in Ndukwa west L G.A on the 27th of May, 2022.

4. Ukpor Godfery and his son Solomon Godfery were abducted from their hometown- Etua Etiti in Ndukwa West L.G.A on the 22nd of May, 2022. They have not been seen to date.

5. Kumbar Ikechukwu a.k.a Spark was abducted in Asaba on the 25th of June, 2022.

6. Chuka Ukpe, Sunday Mbam, Chuka Ndego, Jeremiah, Obinna, Abasi, Ernest Ezennem, Ifeanyi Nwose Ado, and 21 others abducted for being IPOB members, and nobody has seen them to date. We are sure Ifeanyi Okowa ordered their execution in cold blood. 

Ifeanyi Okowa should release all the kidnapped innocent Biafrans or release their dead bodies for proper burial if they have been murdered. Ifeanyi Okowa you are going to regret your murderous actions against our people. 



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