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Oyibo massacre: What is with you and your government's fanfare with easy waste of human lives, CUPP queries Buhari

From CUPP For Immediate Release  2nd November 2020 ..Urges him to call off his ongoing use of brutal military action in Oyibo  ..Petitions i...


For Immediate Release 

2nd November 2020

..Urges him to call off his ongoing use of brutal military action in Oyibo 

..Petitions international human right bodies to start criminal trials of those who participated in the extra judicial killings

The Coalition of United Political Parties (CUPP) has again found it extremely important to raise its voice against the ongoing brutal military onslaught against residents of Oyibo in Rivers State. 

This massacre under the guise of peace keeping is coming barely few days after the same military was unleashed on peaceful protesters in Lekki area of Lagos State.

It is indeed worrisome that despite the negative reactions the Lekki incident attracted both from local and international scenes, the government of President Muhammadu Buhari still deployed troops to Oyibo.

Opposition political parties are wondering the rational behind this government's easy way of shedding innocent blood without blinking an eye.

We are hereby calling on the President to immediately call off the ongoing use of brutal force by soldiers in Oyibo.

We are also calling on international human right bodies to start criminal trials of those who participated in the extra judicial killings of defenceless people in Oyibo and other parts of the country. 

This nation is in a democracy and we therefore condemn any attempt to militarise the country under any guise.

Ikenga Imo Ugochinyere 

Opposition Coalition CUPP Spokesperson

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